Gala Buffet
Gala Buffet 214 Nguyen Trai Nguyen Cu Trinh 1 Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam
Whenever I get asked where a good yet affordable place to eat in Vietnam is, the Gala buffet is the first place that I would introduce people to.
The restaurant is quite big and spacious with a simple setup with lines of tables, facing back to back.
It is not a high end place that charges exorbitant prices for food but it is a good place that boasts a wide variety of Vietnamese dishes from the different towns. Many of the dishes I have sampled are tasty and worth trying. The one dish needs to be tried and savoured is their salt chill grilled prawns. This exquisite seasoning can also be found in some of the chicken wing and frog leg dishes. My preference however still lies with the grilled prawns and the flavours of the dish are really something to be held. Another one of their more notable dishes is the pig organ soup.
Vietnam is well known for their seafood and apart from clams and oysters, there is a myriad of other dishes including generous servings of prawns and flower crabs to name a few. Well, they used to have free flow of crabs but now they control it to 2 at a time serving for each table due to some customers wasteful of food.
This restaurant also hosts a decent selection of meats for the meat loving clientele.
The last thing which I will want to compliment will be the waiters. They are helpful and very attentive to your needs. Services will be something we are all looking for especially for a good dine-in.
Rating: 4/5 stars
#‎GalaBuffet‬ ‪#‎Buffet‬ ‪#‎Vietnam‬ ‪#‎WhiteRabbitChef